0.08 kg
Noble Black Cassette with orange on-body print and j-card. Limited to 50.
► Listen on Bandcamp: https://dunkelheitprod.bandcamp.com/album/the-dark-corners
Dreamcatcher is pure unrefined thug Power Electronics and also a tireless force of mayhem. After some tapes - some of them ultra limited and distributed only within the inner circles of Noise vileness - this duo returns with "The Dark Corners".
Abandon the hellhole that is modern society and delve into dark parallel words. Whores with swollen eye sockets, drugs and random acts of violence. A reality seen only by very few individuals. We hate society and it hates us.
The sounds themselves are nothing short of putrid. DREAMCATCHER presents complex compositions consisting of throbbing synthesizer textures, bursts of painful feedback, some percussive elements and ghoulish vocals. Somewhere between disturbed Euro Power Electronics and demented Italian Post Mortem filth. Unpleasant to some, ambrosia to others. A must have for those, who are not afraid.
"The Dark Corners" - had been recorded, mixed and mastered between January and April 2023. The recordings are nothing else than personal reflected experiences from the streets. We keep watching... Exclusive production by Dunkelheit Produktionen. All Rights reserved.